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The Inherited Series Book 1: The Inherited Page 8
The Inherited Series Book 1: The Inherited Read online
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Leopold grabbed a hold of my hand, pulling me to a stop. "Are you positive?" He demanded, searching my eyes.
He must have found whatever he was looking for because he nodded and wrapped me in a tight embrace.
"So, what does this mean?" I asked when we began walking again. Leopold had my hand held firmly in his own. My own small hands fitted like puzzle pieces in his larger ones.
"Whatever you want, but we will have to notify my parents so that arrangements are made."
That sounded awkward. Our relationship was going to be broadcasted across the world. I swallowed hard and made a mental note to call my parents and let them know before they heard it on the six o'clock news or something.
Chapter Six
Angelique woke me up early the next morning and stuffed me into a blouse and skirt.
"Where's the fire?" I asked, still a little dazed from sleep. She didn't seem to understand and frowned at me, re-tucking my shirt into my waistline because I had apparently done it wrong. "What's happening?" I tried again.
"Very busy today," she told me, "Much to do!"
"Can't there be much to do at a more reasonable hour?" I asked hopefully but Angelique didn't respond, just thrust a pair of shoes in my direction. I took the black flats and hastily pulled them on.
"Tu vais manger le petit dejeuner avec la Princess," she told me, shooing me in the direction of the door. Well at least there was food involved and Phillipa wasn't so bad herself either. I just hoped she didn't have some sort of crazy lesson like How-to-Carve-Leopold-out-of-Solisian-Chocolate-for-a-Tradition-which-also-Involves-Dangerous-Animals planned.
Angelique led me to a library, similar to the one in Leopold's wing of the castle with the piano and phone in it. There were two place settings at one of the desks, set with steaming plates of food that were taunting me. I didn't have much time to consider the food, however, before the doors of the library were suddenly thrown open and Phillipa ran in.
"I can't believe you broke Leopold!" she cried as she wrapped her tiny arms around me.
"Excuse me?" I asked confused.
The tiny princess pulled away, straightened her clothes and took a seat. "I have never seen him like this before. He just seems so happy."
"Umm thanks," I said with a frown, but, for some reason, I was happy that I could cause such a change in him. "So, what are we learning today, and where is Rose?" I said trying to divert the topic. I really didn't think it would be fun to talk to Phillipa about dating her brother.
"There isn't really a class for today; I just wanted to give you a few rules for dating my brother. Rose isn't here because she kind of already passed that class," Phillipa explained, bouncing in her seat. Great, so clearly there was no avoiding this.
"So," she said, clapping her hands together, "Now that you have agreed to proceed with a relationship with Leopold, there are many decisions that need to be made. Essentially, you and Leopold should discuss these as they become of concern but many of them should be addressed in the meeting tonight."
"There's a meeting about Leopold and I?" I balked, blushing at the thought. Phillipa continued, ignoring my question.
"You have to realize that this is the turning point, Catherine. We are going to do whatever we can to make your transition into your new position with my brother as easy as possible, just as we have been doing until now, but it's not going to be easy. Certain things will be expected from you and there will be many people trying to hurt you. I can assure you that we will do everything we can to keep you safe, especially Leopold which brings me to my first point: other than being a figurehead and representative of the royal family, your main role is to be support for Leopold as he ascends into his full role and duties. You have already been doing a pretty good job of this. Next, and probably the most imminent threat, is the press. Now that you and Leopold have decided to officially date, it will eventually have to be announced to the public. This has to be done in a very strategic way so that you and he are photographed in the best possible light. We want to avoid as many drunken stupors and crotch shots on film as possible. I realize that Leopold does not exactly have the best track record for this, but hopefully you can help clean that up."
I raised my hand, a little nervous, "I thought there were rules about me being photographed."
"There are, but not for long, and you have to be ready to deal with it. You will get all the specifics later tonight."
"Okay, so the rules are different now? I mean, how do I have to act around Leopold?"
"I'm not really sure," she admitted frowning. "Well, nothing changes really, all the rules still apply in terms of walking and talking and touching; it's just, I don't know what Leopold will do."
"I don't understand."
"If you were with Hector, I could tell you that he is very physical and likes to joke around. He is a little impulsive, but laid back. Hector may try to talk a lot with you in public, or make jokes and that's okay, you can go along with whatever you are comfortable with. With Leopold though, I have no idea, he's never had a girlfriend before."
"He's never had a girlfriend?" I repeated surprised. "What about all those girls I hear about?"
"He fools around a little, but nothing serious. Sometimes, Leopold will kiss a girl when he gets drunk at a bar or goes on one of his rampages, but that's about it. He is kind of a prude at times to tell you the truth. Just go with the flow."
"Gee thanks," I muttered, not really feeling any better about this.
"Just remember that all of your decisions will have consequences now. And Catherine, just so you know, no one will think less of you if it becomes too much. If you decide that this is not what you want, we will try to erase your time with us as painlessly as possible, try to keep the world from prying."
A clock chimed somewhere in the room, making Phillipa stand. "I have to go and get ready for Governor Laurent's arrival. I will see you in a little while. Please say bonjour to Mme. DuBeche from me." With that, she skipped from the room leaving me welded to my chair.
Suddenly, my untouched plate wasn't so appetizing. I felt frozen by my nerves. I hadn't really thought about what dating Leopold would mean. Could I really pass up being normal to be with him? And how could the media be that bad. Surely they would go easy on me. Why should they care? It's not like I'm anyone important.
Fifteen minutes later I was standing in front of a mirror, wearing a white lace sundress and fascinator, with Mme. DuBeche sticking pins into my side. M. Arsnault had come to get me and was now standing in the corner, quizzing me in French grammar, as the seamstress used me as a pincushion.
"What is this outfit for?" I asked, interrupting his passé compose speech.
"We have to go to the Royal Water Regatta today, Mademoiselle. It is being held to honor the arrival of Governor Richard," he said.
"Who is Governor Richard?" I asked, following Mme. DuBeche’s direction and slowly spinning in circles. Phillipa had mentioned the name too.
"Governor Jean Richard is the Governor of the province of Arcadis in France. He has a good history with the DuMont Family and is loyal to the old accords and traditions. He is visiting to meet you and there will be a series of events to honor this. May I continue with the verbs now, Mademoiselle?"
"He wants to meet me?" I asked. Mme. DuBeche indicated for me to stop and began attacking part of the dress's hem.
"Yes, many people wish to meet you, but he has a specific interest. Governor Richard is a very patriotic man, and loyal to his country. He is a distant relative of the Family Sinclair," said Mr. Arsnault. For some reason, I didn't think the country he was talking about was France. "It will be good for you, Mademoiselle. You will be able to see and learn some of the histories and customs of your country. Also, as he is the head of the Arcadian Government, he is to act on your behalf during the meeting that will take place regarding the recent advancements with you and le Prince."
"I see," I said, not too pleased that another man was being
invited in to debate my dating life.
Mme. DuBeche took a step back from me, examining her work carefully. She quickly exchanged a few words with Mr. Arsnault and then nodded.
"Mme. DuBeche has completed her work," he told me. "If you will follow me, I will take you down to the limo that will be taking you and le Prince to le rivière."
"Hold on, no one said anything about a river."
I found myself standing cross-armed and staring down at Leopold who was in a small dingy boat below me.
"There is no way I'm getting into that boat," I told him defiantly.
Leopold looked at me a little surprised. Either he had not been informed about my resistance towards water, or he was surprised I was saying no to him. "Cat, it is the only way to get to the dock."
I looked out across the wide river; there was an enormous dock in the center. It was where the water regatta was being held and apparently the only way to get out there was by rowboat. This was worse than the damn seaplane.
Leopold exchanged a few words with the rower and then turned back to me. "Je te promis, it is completely safe."
"Sure, until it tips over. I grew up in a desert, Leopold, so I never really needed to learn to swim very well. Sure I can float and doggy paddle for a bit, but, in this dress, I'd just be dragged straight to the bottom." I indicated the white lace sundress. Sure it was pretty, but when in water, I was sure it would be deadly.
"If the boat tips, I give you my word that I will save you myself."
I looked towards the King and Queen's and Hector and Phillipa's boats, already half way out. "Fine," I said and took Leopold’s outstretched hand, letting him help me into the dingy. He nodded at the rower and, slowly, we began to move away from dry land.
"See," he said after a moment, "It's not so bad."
And to tell you the truth, it wasn't. I was still a little on edge, holding Leopold's hand in a death grip, but the swaying motion was almost soothing.
We arrived at the island of docks faster than I had expected and a flare of trumpets announced the arrival of the Royal Family. We fell into formation and weaved through the crowds to a large table in the very center of the dock. Everyone sat with the exception of Leopold, who remained standing behind my chair, fidgeting with his cufflinks. I think he was nervous about something.
"Why don't you show Catherine around, Leopold," suggested Beatrice, taking in her son's discomfort. "Don't you think that is a good idea, Felip?"
"As long as they are back for the arrival of Governor Richard," Felip said.
"Catherine?" Leopold said, offering me his arm. I smiled and stood, wrapping my arm through his.
He led me through the decorated tables and impeccably dressed people. The men were all wearing morning suits, the women in sundresses and extravagant hats. They watched us as we walked by, zeroing in on our linked arms, nodding their heads in recognition.
We stopped at the edge of the dock directly in front of a pole which had a ribbon tied to it, running all the way to the tree line on the other side of the river.
"This is the finish line," said Leopold. "The racers left from here this morning and are traveling all the way around the island before returning. They should arrive shortly," he said, pointing towards the horizon. Sure enough, I could just make out a few brightly colored smudges that were the rowboats.
"And then what?" I asked.
"Felip and I will present the awards and I will make a speech welcoming Richard."
"Sounds like a blast."
"I am nervous about my speech."
"I know you will do amazing, just say it right to me," I said.
A man in a dark suit came up to us then, mumbling something to Leopold, who sighed.
"I have to go see to some documentation. Stay if you like, I can find you when I'm finished."
"Sure." He disappeared along with the man in the suit.
I wasn't alone a minute before I felt another presence beside me. I turned to come face to face with a boy, about my age, with slick hair and features almost too severely sharp and dark. He was handsome, but almost in a trying too hard way. There was something too perfect and pristine about him, something cold and untouchable.
"Bonjour," he purred, kissing my hand sloppily. I had to resist the urge to whip it off on my dress. Phillipa would not be pleased with him. "I do not believe we have had the pleasure of meeting yet. I am Antoine DuBlaise and you are Catherine Sinclair."
Ahh, well that cleared things up. My disdain for him grew even greater when I realized that the creepy man was Antoine. I hadn't recognized him so close up. "Pleasure to meet you," I lied.
"You are far more beautiful than your reputation, Catherine. Leopold is a lucky man. You must be weary of him though, he is known to keep the company of many women," said Antoine, taking another step closer to me. His sickeningly sweet scent surrounded me and I had to hold my breath.
"I appreciate the warning," I said, and tried to take a step back, but my foot was stuck on something. "I think I will be fine."
Antoine took another step towards me. "Either way, I think it would be beneficial for the two of us to spend some time together, Catherine. I would love to get to know you better. You see, I think that we could do great things together."
"Is that so?" I said, pulling harder in an attempt to free myself. I glanced down. One of my heels had gotten wedged between two planks of the damn dock. I cranked my neck to search the crowd. Where the hell was Leopold? "I'm sure that would be interesting, but I'm afraid that I am terribly busy right now. Maybe another time?"
Antoine stepped closer, tracing his fingers across my arm. "You know, there is something about me that women just find irresistible. I can tell you are feeling it right now, my very presence is drawing you in."
I jerked my arm away, and gave a final pull at my shoe. Apparently, it was too much though because my foot flew out of the shoe and I lost my balance, falling back and straight into the river.
The dark water surrounded me instantly, reaching up to swallow me before I even had the chance to scream. I spun in the water, scrambling to right myself but only sank deeper, the fabric of my dress pulling me down. My lungs burned for air, but, just as I thought they might burst, there was another splash beside me and a pair of strong arms wrapped tightly around my waist, dragging me upwards. I coughed and sputtered when my head finally broke the surface, gasping for air.
The arms pulled me up onto the dock and, still coughing, I opened my eyes to find a very wet and very angry looking Leopold above me.
People in black suits, like the man who had retrieved Leopold earlier, rushed forward. They formed a circle around us, holding back the crowds, but no one dared come closer because of the look on Leopold's face.
"Are you hurt?" Leopold asked, looking me up and down nervously. His voice was concerned and heavily accented due to stress. Rivulets of water were running from his hair which was plastered to his damp skin. The thin material of his shirt was sticking to his torso and arms, beige pants now brown from the water.
I nodded stiffly, head brushing the wooden planks. "I'm fine, fine. Just a little waterlogged. I'm so sorry; I didn't mean to, it was just Antoine, and then my shoe, and then the stupid dress…"
Mr. Arsnault arrived suddenly, ducking down to our level. "Sir, a boat has arrived," he said.
Leopold stood and M. Arsnault handed him back his discarded jacket. Leopold must have pulled it off before he jumped in after me. Now he wrapped it around my shoulders before standing and lifting me into his arms again. "It's okay Leopold, I can walk," I assured him squirming, blushing furiously at the audience.
Leopold's grip tightened. "I won't let you," he growled.
I sighed, but stopped my escape attempts. There was no point in fighting him and I was tired from my near-death experience. "Thank you," I whispered.
We crossed the tent, weaving between the tables until we were back at the boat ramp. M. Lefevre was behind the wheel of a massive black speed boat. At least we had a mot
or this time. The downside was that there was another boat behind ours topped with sirens. We had a police escort; ain't that just peachy.
Leopold put me down in one of the cold leather seats, wrapping a thick wool blanket around me while speaking with our guards. I was shivering now, teeth chattering, so I didn't really concentrate on their words until the word hospital caught my attention.
I squirmed uselessly, trying to escape from my mummy wrappings. "No, no hospital," I stated firmly. "Really, it's just a little water, I will be perfectly fine."
They conversed conspiratorially again for a moment before Leopold dropped into the seat behind me and the boat roared to life. We took off across the water, darting between rocks and islands, the wind whipping at my hair. The police boat was on our tail.
The trees and shrubbery turned into buildings and soon we were in the river that cut through the middle of the square in front of the palace. Leopold picked me up and carried me across the square to the foyer of the castle.
There was a group of people there to meet us. I was passed off to a worried Angelique, as Leopold was swallowed by a mass of handmaids and butlers, all trying to hand him towels or chasing him with blow dryers. They rushed him upstairs and Angelique and I followed slowly.
Once in my room, Angelique helped me peel off my soaked clothes and climb into a hot bath. The whole thing was a little excessive, if you ask me, but overall I felt much better once I was warm and dry.
"I think I may have screwed up royally, this time, Angelique," I said to my maid from where I was lying on my bed a while later. She didn't answer, probably didn't understand. "Leopold seemed really mad. I guess I did kind of screw things up. The party was for this guy I am supposed to meet, and Leopold didn't get to say his speech. I think it's hardly fair for him to be so upset though, I mean, it was an accident, and Antoine should get part of the blame, he was being creepy." I sighed and pushed myself up from the bed. "I suppose I should go and apologize. It's probably a better thing if we are on good terms tonight for the meeting considering all these old guys are coming just to talk about Leopold and I. Plus, I feel kind of bad for making him so upset."