The Inherited Series Book 1: The Inherited Read online

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  "Sorry, we're late," called Hector as he burst into the room followed by Rose. We all stood, except Leopold who glared at the latecomers. I thought that was hardly fair since we too had been late because we had been involved in unsanctioned activities. Hector nodded at Leopold and Rose curtsied. They took their seats; Hector across from Leopold and Rose beside me.

  "Alright," said Phillipa standing, "Instead of me talking all the way through dinner, I think that this will work better if we just have at it and one of us four will yell at you if you do something wrong." She sat back down and a bunch of cooks, in white, came through the door. They placed plates of leafy salad in front of us.

  I looked down at the insane amount of forks and spoons in front of me, utterly perplexed. I glanced up at Leopold, hoping for help. He held up one of the forks, "Start outside and work in."

  "Thanks," I muttered, blushing, and seized the correct utensil.

  "So, where were you two all day," asked Phillipa curiously, "M. Arsnault told me that you stole Catherine from her History class and dress-sizing today and then disappeared. You really shouldn't keep her from the lessons Leopold. And what was with the wet hair?"

  I became absorbed in my salad, deciding to let Leopold deal with this one.

  "Can I not spend time with my betrothed, alone?" asked Leopold. I blushed furiously at the implications. Maybe I should have spoken up.

  "I didn't say that. I'm glad you are showing interest in a decent girl for once; just try not to corrupt her."

  "You were with him, alone, all day?" said Rose beside me, holding her fork in a death grip.

  "Rose," Hector warned.

  "Yes, why?" I asked confused. Wasn't I supposed to be bonding with him?

  "Yes Rose," Leopold sneered, "Do tell me what you are confused about."

  "You had to do it, didn't you," Rose asked Leopold, "You had to pull her into this?"

  "Don't do this, Rose," pleaded Hector.

  "No, it's about time someone confronted Leopold about this. Just because everyone else is scared of him and has to walk on eggshells because you might upset him or God forbid anger him. I won't take it any longer; he has gone too far this time."

  "How dare you speak to me like that!" roared Leopold, "You insolent girl, how dare you question me? You don't even know me or why I act the way I do."

  "I don't have to; I know all about men like you."

  "Men like me? Tell me what I am Rose, and if it is anything but good, it is because of your actions that I am that way. You are the reason that I am in this position; that Cat is even here, so don't you dare go throwing accusations at me and blaming me for bringing someone innocent into this. If there is anyone to blame, it is you."

  Leopold rose to his feet, the rest of us with him. He threw the glass that he had been holding and it smashed into pieces against the wall. Phillipa flinched, hiding at Hugo's side.

  They were being absurd and Leopold far too volatile. He had been so kind this afternoon, what had changed?

  Leopold was standing at his spot, cheeks flushed and chest heaving. I approached him, carefully placing my hand on his chest as if I could hold him back. "Hey," I told him, "You need to calm down."

  Leopold paused for a moment, glancing down at my hand, and then stormed out of the dining room.

  I turned to face the rest of the room, only to find them staring at me, wide-eyed, in shock. "May I be excused for a moment?" I murmured. Phillipa nodded slowly, so I bowed briefly and ducked out of the room.

  Leopold was in the hall outside, pacing furiously, the bridge of his nose pinched between his thumb and finger.

  "What was that all about?" I asked softly.

  "Leopold sighed, running a hand through his hair, "Rose and I don't exactly see eye to eye."

  "Well, I could tell that much."

  "Has anyone told you why I am in line to be King and not Hector?" asked Leopold, looking me in the eyes.

  "Not really," I admitted.

  Leopold slid down the wall until he was sitting on the ground. I followed his lead and sat next to him.

  "Hector was always meant to be King, has all of the training and tittles. I was always second, the spare. I could do whatever I wanted and no-one cared because I was just an extra. One night, in the fall last year, Hector came home with Rose on his arm declaring that he had fallen in love with her and was renouncing his title so that they could get married. This threw everything into a downward spiral. You see, Rose has no royal blood and therefore they cannot be wed if Hector wanted to be King. He said he didn't care; he was enraptured with Rose, in love, and would rather have that than rule. My parents decided to let him do it because they are bloody romantics, imprisoning me with the new honor, but the plan wasn't flawless. I have no training to rule, I was raised as a traditional second son is, and I am to be the commander of the army. It also came apparent that I had tainted my reputation with my reckless behavior and that the people didn't want me to be King. That's why they called you in, as a distraction, to improve my appeal."

  "So, you blame Rose for putting you in this position because she tempted Hector?" I verified.

  "Yes," Leopold admitted.

  "Why is she so angry at you though?" I asked. I mean she can't just be mad at him because of some stupid things he did. If she didn't want him to be King that bad, she could just not marry Hector.

  "That's the thing, you see, Hector and Rose had a convincingly heartbreaking story on their side. Hector and Rose met when he saved her from her abusive fiancée."

  "Pardon?" I balked, shocked at his words.

  "Exactement. Rose was engaged to a horrible man who got drunk one night and raped her with a bunch of his friends in an alley. Hector found them in the act, and scared them off. He helped her through healing and getting them arrested, all without our family noticing. They fell in love during the process. How can you argue with that, right? I mean how can I not give them that after what Rose has been through? Anyway, Rose attributes many of my behaviors with those of her ex-fiancée', and despises me for how much I remind her of him. She doesn't trust me and thinks that I am going to harm you. Yet, her appearance is the reason for your being here."

  I sighed, trying to decide how to respond. "I understand where you are coming from Leopold, and I realize that you are frustrated but I don't think that it is really fair that you blame Rose for what happened." Leopold opened his mouth to protest but I held up my hand stopping him. "That being said, I don't think that she is treating you fairly either. I get that you won't be able to meet on common ground for a while, if ever, but do you think you could at least try to be civil with each other? It would mean a lot to me if you would come back inside and finish the meal. I have had a good time with you today and would hate to have it end on such a bad note."

  Leopold pursed his lips, "For you, I will." Leopold stood and then offered me his hand and pulled me to my feet.

  Without releasing my hand, we walked back into the dining room. The others were still sitting in front of their now limp salad, but rose when we entered. The confusion on their faces was evident. Leopold and I took our places and the chefs returned, replacing the salad with soup. The glass had been cleaned up. Leopold indicated the spoon I should use.

  I looked across the table to find Phillipa staring at me. She raised one of her thin eyebrows in question. I simply shrugged and smiled.

  Leopold walked me back to my room after dinner. The rest of the meal had passed without incident. We stopped at my door and I leaned against the carved wood, looking up at the Prince. "Thanks so much for kidnapping me today, I had a blast."

  "I am glad, I had fun too," smiled Leopold and then raised my hand to his lips, placing the lightest of kisses across my knuckles. A blush spread across my cheekbones. For some reason, the gesture seemed much more intimate and important when he did it.

  Leopold pulled back, turning, and disappeared through his door.

  "No way…there is no way Phillipa!" I said crossing my arms over my chest in w
hat I hoped to be a defiant action.

  "Oh come on, Catherine, everything will be fine."

  "No, it won't. Didn't you hear about what happened last time?"

  Phillipa cringed, "Yeah, I might have heard something, but it is tradition and Hugo and Hector are going to be there to help. It will be perfectly safe."

  "Phillipa, there is no way you could get me back on a horse. I don't care if I am supposed to be in the parade. I will walk or, better yet, back out. I can watch from the safety of the castle where there are none of those monsters."

  "You're being ridiculous," she insisted, crossing her arms to imitate my position. We stood there, at a standstill, until something flashed behind Phillipa's eyes and she smiled wickedly. "Would you do it if Leopold was there?"

  I contemplated this for a moment. Leopold seemed to have this way with horses, and he had rescued me the first time. I was sure he would protect me again if it became necessary. I nodded, "Yes, I think I would."

  "Excellent! He is in a meeting right now with the Governors, but I will go spring him."

  Phillipa danced out of my room before I could protest. I didn't want to have Leopold pulled from some important meeting because I was scared to go near a horse.

  Angelique appeared from the inside of my closet carrying a cream colored knit sweater and a floor length, brown skirt. I eyed the clothes skeptically. How was I supposed to ride a horse in a skirt?

  "This is what I was instructed to give you," Angelique told me.

  I got dressed quickly, deciding it was best not to question Phillipa. I was just tying my boot's laces when there was a knock on the door. "Entrez," I called.

  Leopold popped his head in, smiling, "I believe my presence was requested?"

  I blushed, standing, "Sorry, I tried to stop Phillipa from interrupting you but she was too quick."

  "Never apologize for asking for help. Besides, those meetings are terrible. I would rather watch you try to ride a horse again," Leopold replied cockily leaning against my door frame. I looked him over. He was in black dress pants, a white button up, gray tie and shiny black leather shoes.

  "Pret?" he asked. I nodded. "Phillipa sent me to bring you to the stables."

  We trekked across the property until we reached the monster's den. I was wringing my hands together nervously as we approached. Leopold took hold of my hands, gently stopping their movement. "I won't let the horses hurt you, Cat," he promised.

  The others were already there when we arrived. Everyone was in riding gear and Phillipa and Rose both had long skirts on similar to mine. We all gathered around Phillipa, waiting for instructions.

  "Okay everyone, as most of us know, it is traditional for the entire Royal Family to participate in the Royal Guard Parade. Felip and Beatrice will be riding in a carriage and we will be following on horseback. Unfortunately, Rose, you are not permitted to ride with us, but you may as well learn now so that you are prepared. Now, you may have been wondering about the skirts? For the girls, the ride must be done side saddle."

  I gasped openly at the small princess, "Side saddle? I can barely ride a horse front saddle!"

  Leopold sniggered beside me.

  Phillipa rolled her eyes, "Oh hush, Catherine, it will be fine. Hugo, can you get my horse please?"

  Hugo ducked into one of the stalls and led out a white beast. I took a step closer to Leopold. Phillipa mounted the horse and arranged herself so that both of her legs and skirt were draped elegantly over the left side of her horse. Then they began to walk, making a small circle. "See ladies, easy as pie. Rose, you can borrow my horse. Leopold, will you get Catherine's? I've had him prepared."

  Leopold disappeared inside into one of the stalls. My horse? She couldn't possible mean the crazy brown one? Sure enough, that's exactly who Leopold lead around the corner. "Oh no, there is no way I will get back on that one," I told him.

  Leopold just kept coming towards me though. "Don't worry Cat; you just had a rocky start to your relationship. Olivier is a very good horse."

  Leopold stopped the horse in front of me, releasing the reins. He undid his tie, throwing it off to the side somewhere, loosened his collar and rolled his sleeves to his elbows.

  “Okay, girls, let’s start with just sitting in the saddle to get you comfortable,” directed

  Phillipa. Rose was up in the saddle in a flash, Hector clapping encouragingly from the

  ground beside her.

  “Common,” said Leopold, pulling me closer to Olivier. I felt a rush of determination fill

  me. If Rose and Phillipa could do it, then I would too.

  I went over to Leopold who wrapped his hands around my waist, lifting me into the

  saddle. He smelled of cigars and the same spicy scent that was in his room. To my relief,

  Olivier didn’t move, just gnawed on his bit. Maybe Leopold was right. Maybe the last

  time had just been miscommunication. “Good horse,” I purred happily.

  “Great,” said Phillipa, “Now it is easier if you shift your weight and wrap your knee around the top of the saddle. This should give you the proper position, posture and balance.”

  Cautiously, I moved as she told me and wrapped my leg around the saddle.

  “Now, your outside foot should rest in the stirrup,” Phillipa said.

  I smiled contently when I realized that I had already put my foot in the stirrup.

  “Awesome, now take hold of the reins and advance when you are ready.”

  I looked over at Rose, who took off immediately, looking like royalty seated on Phillipa’s white horse.

  I glanced down at Leopold skeptically, “How do I control this thing?”

  “To move forward, nudge Olivier on the ribs with your heel. To go left, pull on the left side of the reins, to go right on the right side and most importantly to stop, pull back hard on the reins,” said Leopold. I nodded and reached for the reins but pitched sideways, losing my balance. Leopold caught my waist, correcting my position again.

  “Maybe we should start slower, yes?” he said and placed my hands on his broad shoulders. I could feel his muscles through the thin fabric of the shirt.

  Leopold began walking sideways, and Olivier went with him, slowly. I managed to stay on, keeping balance with my hands on his shoulders.

  “There you go,” he said smiling up at me, “Ready to try it on your own?”

  “Okay,” I agreed. This wasn’t so bad after all.

  Leopold handed me Olivier’s reins and, reluctantly, I released his shoulders. There was a

  brief flash of panic as I realized that I was on my own, but then excitement took over

  when I didn’t fall off immediately. I was riding a horse freakin’ sideways!

  I made a circle, just as Phillipa had done, and then made my way back to Phillipa, Hugo and

  Leopold. I turned a freakin’ horse, now I just had to remember how to stop. I pulled back

  on the reins, hard, just like Leopold had said. I must have gone a little overboard though,

  or Olivier’s crazy instincts were returning because instead of just stopping, my damn

  horse stopped and did a little hop, lifting his front feet off the ground and sending me out

  off the saddle.

  I braced myself, expecting the hard impact of the ground, confused when I was met with

  something softer.

  “Cat, Cat, are you alright?” came the heavily accented and concerned voice of

  Leopold. I opened my eyes to meet Leopold’s; one green and one gold. I realized, to my

  embarrassment that I was laying in his lap on the ground. He must have caught me.

  “Yes, I'm fine. Thanks for catching me.”

  Leopold smiled, relieved, and helped me to my feet.

  “No worries, Catherine, just brush it off and try again,” encouraged Phillipa. I looked at her


  “No, I think Cat is done for today,” said Leopold firmly.

  Phillipa’s f
ace fell into a pout, “Fine, but if she isn’t ready tomorrow, you can’t blame me.”

  Leopold and I left then, leaving the others behind and stupid Olivier munching on some hay.

  “Thanks again.” I told Leopold.

  He glanced down at me concerned, “You sure you are not injured?”

  “Only my pride,” I assured him.

  We came to a halt when we reached the castle doors. “Will you be alright from here?” asked Leopold. “I really should get back to the meeting if possible.”

  “I’ll be fine. Have fun.”

  “Oh yeah, it’s like a party up there,” said Leopold, rolling his eyes. Then he kissed my knuckles and left.

  The Castle DuMont was in a flurry of action the next morning. Angelique, who got me up, force

  fed me some breakfast and then got me ready for the parade. I was dressed in almost

  Victorian styled clothes, with a long royal blue skirt, lace shirt with a high necked collar

  and a royal blue blazer. Angelique pinned back my hair and managed to balance a very

  ornate and flowery blue hat on my head. She helped me into my riding boots and

  handed me a pair of white lace gloves. The overall affect was quite lovely.

  “You are assembling together in the foyer,” Angelique told me as we headed through the


  I was the first to arrive. There were a few other maids and security guards standing near

  the walls. Angelique straightened my hat and then went to join them. Phillipa and Hugo came

  down the stairs a few minutes later. Phillipa was dressed similar to me, but completely in

  white. Hugo was in his usual chinos, dress shirt and jacket. He kissed his girlfriend on

  the cheek and then took a step off to the side. Phillipa came jumping over to me.

  “You look great, Catherine! Aren’t you excited?” she chirped excitedly.

  I was more nervous and, or horrified, than excited, but agreed with her anyway, “Can’t wait.”

  “Great, the others are just going to arrive and then we will get ourselves all lined up and